Registrars’, Director's and Controller's Orders Regarding the Canada Post Service Disruption

Nov 15-24

Registrars’, Director's and Controller's Orders Regarding the Canada Post Service Disruption 

Due to the Canada Post service disruption, the Controller of Surveys, Registrar of Titles, Registrar of Personal Property Security, and Registrar of Corporations and Co-operatives have issued the following orders impacting Saskatchewan registry services operated by ISC:  

 Additionally, please see the below Notice to the Public regarding SPPR service provisions. 

Notice to the Public – SPPR  

Deemed service provision – Section 68(2)(b) The Personal Property Security Act, 1993 

By operation of Section 68(2)(b) of The Personal Property Security Act, 1993, (“the Act”) the deemed service provisions related to demand notices under the section will become in-operable due to the Canada Post labour disruption. 

The Act provides:  

Service of documents  

68(1) A notice or demand, other than a demand pursuant to section 18 or a copy or reproduced copy of a verification statement mentioned in subsection 43(12), may be given: 

 (2) The giving of a document mentioned in subsection (1) by registered mail occurs: 

 (b) except in cases where the postal services are not functioning,
 on the expiration 
of 10 days after the day of registration; whichever is earlier. 

If there are situations where notices or demands are sent via registered mail and the 10-day deeming period set out in 68(2)(b) of the Act has been interrupted by the postal disruption, that 10-day period shall be extended for a time equal to the amount of time that the postal service was suspended.  

 Notice Concerning Compulsory Discharge Demands - Section 50 The Personal Property Security Act, 1993  

A secured party who has obtained a court order to prevent discharge of their registration pursuant to section 50 of the of The Personal Property Security Act, 1993 should provide the registrar with the court order via email at: [email protected] or fax at: (306) 205-7866.