Corporate Registry Fees

Effective June 01, 2024

For-Profit Entities
Name Reservation Services
Registration and Incorporation Services
Maintenance Services
Closure Services (Ending your Business)
New West Partnership Trade Agreement
Priority Service
Not-For-Profit Entities
Name Reservation Services
Registration and Incorporation Services
Maintenance Services
Closure Services (Ending your Business)
Priority Service
Search Services
Registry Search
Priority Service
Bulk Information Service
Miscellaneous fees

For-Profit Entities

Includes - Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, Limited Partnerships, Limited Liability Partnerships, Business Corporations, Consumers' Co-operatives, Employment Co-operatives, New Generation Co-operatives, and Credit Unions (Loan Collection (XP), Securities (XP) and Saskatchewan)

Name Reservation Services Fees
Reservation of a Business Name – For-Profit Saskatchewan entity or Extra-Provincial entity $50.00
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Registration and Incorporation Services Fees
Registration of a Business Name $65.00 
Incorporation of a For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Credit Union $255.00
Registration of a Limited Partnership or Limited Liability Partnership $255.00
Registration of an Extra-Provincial For-Profit Corporation, Limited Partnership, Limited Liability Partnership, Co-operative or Credit Union $255.00
Amalgamation of a For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Credit Union $255.00
Arrangement of a For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Credit Union $255.00 
Reorganization of a For-Profit Corporation or Co-operative $255.00
Continuance to a Saskatchewan For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Credit Union $255.00 
Maintain Registration as an Extra-Provincial For-Profit Corporation $60.00
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Maintenance Services Fees
Renewal of a Business Name $60.00
Annual Return of a For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative, Limited Liability Partnership or Credit Union
   -   Filed by Due Date
Annual Return of a For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative, Limited Liability Partnership or Credit Union
   -   Filed Late
Notice of Directors/Update Partner or Sole Proprietor information Free
Notice of Registered Office/Business Address Free
Notice of Shareholders Free
Power of Attorney Free
Receiver-Manager Free
Amendment of Articles including a Change of Name for a For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Credit Union $100.00 
Amendment of Articles without a Change of Name for a For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Credit Union $100.00
Restatement of Articles for a For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Credit Union $50.00
Amendment of Declaration for a Limited Partnership or Limited Liability Partnership $100.00
Alteration of Members in a Partnership $20.00
Amendment of Bylaws for a For-Profit Co-operative or Credit Union $20.00
Change Nature of Business $50.00
Request for Approval (including Exemption Orders) Free
Revival of a For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Credit Union $255.00 
Restoral of a For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Credit Union $255.00
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Closure Services (Ending your Business)  Fees
Cancellation of a Business Name, Partnership, Limited Partnership or Limited Liability Partnership  $15.00 
Notice of Intent to Dissolve Entity  Free
Revocation of Intent to Dissolve Entity  $25.00 
Dissolution of Entity  $15.00 
Strike Off of Extra-Provincial Entity upon ceasing to carry on business  $15.00 
Authorization to Discontinue from Saskatchewan for a For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Credit Union  $235.00
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New West Partnership Trade Agreement
Registration, Maintenance and Closure Services defined above for an Extra-Provincial Corporation with a home jurisdiction of Alberta, British Columbia, or Manitoba Free
Annual Return of Extra-Provincial Corporation with an Alberta, British Columbia or Manitoba Home Jurisdiction Not Required
Annual Return to Alberta, British Columbia or Manitoba of a Saskatchewan Corporation registered Extra-Provincially in Alberta, British Columbia, or Manitoba. Not Required
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Priority Service
For any individual service or related set of services listed above, to be processed, where possible, within one business day from receipt $500.00 plus applicable fees
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Not-For-Profit Entities

Includes – Non-Profit Corporations, To become a member of Co-operative Superannuation Society (XP),Community Service Co-operatives, Housing Co-operatives, Community Clinic Co-operatives, Co-operatives Without Purpose of Financial Gain, Credit Union to become a member of Co-operative Superannuation Society (XP), and Condominium Corporations

Name Reservation Services Fees
Reservation of a Business Name – Not-For-Profit Saskatchewan or Extra-Provincial entity $30.00
Reservation of a Business Name with restricted words ‘Canada’, ‘Canadian’ or ‘Dominion’ $60.00
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Registration and Incorporation Services Fees
Incorporation of a Not-For-Profit Corporation or Co-operative $50.00
Incorporation of a Condominium Corporation Free
Registration of an Extra-Provincial Not-For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Credit Union $50.00
Amalgamation of a Not-For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Condominium Corporation $50.00 
Arrangement of a Not-For-Profit Corporation or Co-operative $50.00 
Reorganization of a Not-For-Profit Corporation or Co-operative $50.00 
Continuance to a Saskatchewan Not-For-Profit Corporation or Co-operative $50.00 
Maintain Registration as an Extra-Provincial Not-For-Profit Corporation $20.00 
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Maintenance Services Fees
Annual Return of a Not-For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Condominium Corporation
   -   Filed by Due Date
Annual Return of a Not-For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Condominium Corporation
   -   Filed Late
Notice of Directors Free
Notice of Registered Office/Address for Service Free
Power of Attorney Free
Change Annual Return Due Date for Non-Profit Corporations and Condominium Corporations Free
Change Fiscal Year End Free
Change of Name for a Condominium Corporation Free
Amendment of Articles including a Change of Name for a Not-For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Credit Union $30.00 
Amendment of Articles without a Change of Name for a Not-For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Credit Union $30.00
Restatement of Articles for a Not-For-Profit Corporation or Co-operative $20.00
Amendment of Bylaws for a Not-For-Profit Co-operative or Condominium Corporation (including amendment of sectors) $20.00
Amendment of a Standard Unit Description for a Condominium Corporation $20.00
Change Nature of Activity $20.00
Request for Approval (including Exemption Orders) Free
Revival of a Not-For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Credit Union $50.00 
Restoral of a Not-For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Credit Union $50.00 
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Closure Services (Ending your Business) Fees
Notice of Intent to Dissolve Entity Free
Revocation of Intent to Dissolve Entity $25.00 
Dissolution of Entity $15.00 
Termination of a Condominium Corporation Free
Strike Off of Extra-Provincial Entity upon ceasing to carry on business $15.00 
Authorization to Discontinue from Saskatchewan for a Not-For-Profit Corporation or Co-operative $50.00
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Priority Service
For any individual service or related set of services listed above, to be processed, where possible, within one business day from receipt $500.00 plus applicable fees
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Search Services

Registry Search Fee
Profile Report $10.00
Certificate of Status $15.00
Document order $12.00 per document
Electronic Certification of a Document* $5.00 per document
Manual Certification of Documents*  $40.00 per document
Company Name and Trade-mark NUANS® Search $60.00
 *Fees for electronic or manual certification of documents are in addition to the applicable document fee(s).
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Priority Service
Document Order Priority Service, to be processed, where possible, within one business day from receipt $75.00 per order
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Bulk Information Service
Report containing names of entities by location, type of activity or both $200 minimum, contact Customer Support Team to request an estimate
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Miscellaneous fees

At the discretion of the Contractor, for any miscellaneous transactional services provided $125.00; or $125.00 per hour, whichever is greater
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