ISC distributes a wide variety of hard copy and digital maps, aerial photos, satellite and ortho images, as well as cadastral and topographic data.
ISC’s map and photo products provide vital information that can assist you in making important decisions on site selection, development initiatives and other land-related issues and opportunities.
- ISC is the custodian of provincial cadastral data, which depicts all surface ownership parcels in the entire province, is kept current on a continual basis, and is distributed by ISC upon request.
- ISC is the official distributor of ortho imagery from the Saskatchewan Geospatial Imagery Collaborative (SGIC) and is a registered reseller of SPOT, DigitalGlobe and RapidEye satellite imagery.
- ISC is the custodian of the provincial archive of aerial photography dating back to the 1940's.
- As a Certified Map Printer for products from the Canada Map Office, ISC carries the complete set of National Topographic Series (NTS) hard copy maps, which provide general purpose topographic map coverage of Canada. These maps depict ground relief (landforms and terrain), drainage (lakes and rivers), forest cover, administrative areas, populated areas, transportation routes and facilities (including roads and railways) and other man-made features.
Other responsibilities include:
- Mapping, Geographic Information System (GIS) data, geo-referencing, scanning and plotting services.
- Updating the provincial Sask911 map for the provincial department of Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency.