May 4, 2024 Fee Adjustment Details – Breakdown

May 4, 2024 Fee Adjustment Details – Breakdown

These products and services were affe​cted by the 2024 Annual Fee Review:

Corporate Registry Fees


    • The fee for filing a Name Search and Reservation - Not-For-Profit Entity will increase from $20 to $30. 
    • The fee for filing a Registration - Business Name will increase from $60 to $65. 
    • The fee for filing a Renewal - Business Name will increase from $50 to $60. (Effective June 1st) 
    • The fee for filing Amendment of Articles - Not-For-Profit Entity will increase from $20 to $30. 

Registration – Annual Returns 

    • The fee for filing Annual Return - For-Profit Entity will increase from $50 to $60. (Effective June 1st)
    • The Late fee for filing Annual Return - For-Profit Entity will increase from $40 to $50. (Effective June 1st) 
    • The fee for filing Annual Return Not-For-Profit Entity will increase from $15 to $20. (Effective June 1st) 
    • The Late fee for filing Annual Return Not-For-Profit Entity will increase from $15 to $20. (Effective June 1st) 

Search and Output 
    • The fee for Document Order - Copy of Certificate/Document will increase from $10 to $12. 

Saskatchewan personal Property Registry Registration Fees

    •  The fee for Standard Searches will increase from $10 to $11.  

Land Registry Registration Fees 


    • The fee to register a Surviving Joint Tenant will increase from $12.50 to $25.
    • The fee to register an Interest Setup - Tax Lien will increase from $25 to $30. 
    • The fee to register an Interest Setup - Public Utility Easements will increase from $25 to $30. 
    • The fee to register an Interest Amendment - Public Utility Easements will increase from $25 to $30. 
    • The fee to register an Interest Assignment - Public Utility Easements will increase from $25 to $30. 

    • The fee to view an image of an Application, Application Attachment, Interest Register Attachment, Lock Attachment or Image of an Original Grant will increase from $5 to $7.
    • The fee for Judgment Searches will increase from $10 to $11.  

Land Surveys

 Land Surveys Plans 

    • The basic fee for Subdivision Plans will increase from $250 to $255, with the additional per Subdivision Parcel fee increasing from $55 to $57. 
    • The basic fee for Survey Line Plans will increase from $250 to $255, with the additional per Survey Line Parcel fee increasing from $55 to $57. 
    • The basic fee for Re-plot Plans will increase from $250 to $255, with the additional per Re-plot Parcel fee increasing from $55 to $57. 
    • The basic fee for Consolidation Plans will increase from $165 to $170, with the additional per Consolidation Parcel fee increasing from $55 to $57. 
    • The basic fee for Parcel Class Code Change will increase from $165 to $170, with the additional per Parcel Class Code Change Parcel fee increasing from $55 to $57. 
    • The basic fee for Public Improvement Plans will increase from $250 to $255, with the additional per Public Improvement Parcel fee increasing from $55 to $57. 
    • The basic fee for Municipal Expropriation Plans will increase from $250 to $255, with the additional per Municipal Expropriation Parcel fee increasing from $55 to $57. 
    • The basic fee for Railway Plans will increase from $250 to $255, with the additional per Railway Parcel fee increasing from $55 to $57. 
    • The basic fee for Subdivision Mineral Plans will increase from $165 to $170, with the additional per Subdivision Mineral Parcel fee increasing from $55 to $57. 
    • The basic fee for Roads/Highway Plans will increase from $250 to $255, with the additional per Roads/Highway Parcel fee increasing from $55 to $57. 
    • The basic fee for Condominium Plans will increase from $250 to $255, with the additional per Condominium Units fee increasing from $55 to $57. 
    • The basic fee for Feature Plans will increase from $250 to $255, with the additional per Feature Parcel fee increasing from $15 to $17. 
    • The basic fee for Street or Lane Opening Plan will increase from $250 to $255. 
    • The basic fee for Reference Survey Plans will increase from $250 to $255.
    • The basic fee for Cemetery or Bridge Plans will increase from $104 to $125. 

  Land Surveys Plan Revisions 

    • The fee for Plan Resurrections will increase from $104 to $125.

 Preview of upcoming fee changes:




For-Profit Entities 

Includes - Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, Limited Partnerships, Limited Liability Partnerships, Business Corporations, Consumers' Co-operatives, Employment Co-operatives, New Generation Co-operatives, and Credit Unions (Loan Collection (XP), Securities (XP) and Saskatchewan) 

Name Reservation Services 


Reservation of a Business Name – For-Profit Saskatchewan entity or Extra-Provincial entity 



Registration and Incorporation Services 


Registration of a Business Name 


Incorporation of a For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Credit Union 


Registration of a Limited Partnership or Limited Liability Partnership 


Registration of an Extra-Provincial For-Profit Corporation, Limited Partnership, Limited Liability Partnership, Co-operative or Credit Union 


Amalgamation of a For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Credit Union 


Arrangement of a For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Credit Union 


Reorganization of a For-Profit Corporation or Co-operative 


Continuance to a Saskatchewan For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Credit Union 


Maintain Registration as an Extra-Provincial For-Profit Corporation 



Maintenance Services 


Renewal of a Business Name 


Annual Return of a For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative, Limited Liability Partnership or Credit Union 
- Filed by Due Date 


Annual Return of a For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative, Limited Liability Partnership or Credit Union 
- Filed Late 


Notice of Directors/Update Partner or Sole Proprietor information 


Notice of Registered Office/Business Address 


Notice of Shareholders 


Power of Attorney 




Amendment of Articles including a Change of Name for a For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Credit Union 


Amendment of Articles without a Change of Name for a For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Credit Union 


Restatement of Articles for a For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Credit Union 


Amendment of Declaration for a Limited Partnership or Limited Liability Partnership 


Alteration of Members in a Partnership 


Amendment of Bylaws for a For-Profit Co-operative or Credit Union 


Change Nature of Business 


Request for Approval (including Exemption Orders) 


Revival of a For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Credit Union 


Restoral of a For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Credit Union 



Closure Services (Ending your Business) 


Cancellation of a Business Name, Partnership, Limited Partnership or Limited Liability Partnership 


Notice of Intent to Dissolve Entity 


Revocation of Intent to Dissolve Entity 


Dissolution of Entity 


Strike Off of Extra-Provincial Entity upon ceasing to carry on business 


Authorization to Discontinue from Saskatchewan for a For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Credit Union 



New West Partnership Trade Agreement 

Registration, Maintenance and Closure Services defined above for an Extra-Provincial Corporation with a home jurisdiction of Alberta, British Columbia, or Manitoba 


Annual Return of Extra-Provincial Corporation with an Alberta, British Columbia or Manitoba Home Jurisdiction 

Not Required 

Annual Return to Alberta, British Columbia or Manitoba of a Saskatchewan Corporation registered Extra-Provincially in Alberta, British Columbia, or Manitoba. 

Not Required 


Priority Service 

For any individual service or related set of services listed above, to be processed, where possible, within one business day from receipt 

$500.00 plus applicable fees 


Not-For-Profit Entities 

Includes – Non-Profit Corporations, To become a member of Co-operative Superannuation Society (XP),Community Service Co-operatives, Housing Co-operatives, Community Clinic Co-operatives, Co-operatives Without Purpose of Financial Gain, Credit Union to become a member of Co-operative Superannuation Society (XP), and Condominium Corporations 

Name Reservation Services 


Reservation of a Business Name – Not-For-Profit Saskatchewan or Extra-Provincial entity 


Reservation of a Business Name with restricted words ‘Canada’, ‘Canadian’ or ‘Dominion’ 



Registration and Incorporation Services 


Incorporation of a Not-For-Profit Corporation or Co-operative 


Incorporation of a Condominium Corporation 


Registration of an Extra-Provincial Not-For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Credit Union 


Amalgamation of a Not-For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Condominium Corporation 


Arrangement of a Not-For-Profit Corporation or Co-operative 


Reorganization of a Not-For-Profit Corporation or Co-operative 


Continuance to a Saskatchewan Not-For-Profit Corporation or Co-operative 


Maintain Registration as an Extra-Provincial Not-For-Profit Corporation 



Maintenance Services 


Annual Return of a Not-For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Condominium Corporation 
- Filed by Due Date 


Annual Return of a Not-For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Condominium Corporation 
- Filed Late 


Notice of Directors 


Notice of Registered Office/Address for Service 


Power of Attorney 


Change Annual Return Due Date for Non-Profit Corporations and Condominium Corporations 


Change Fiscal Year End 


Change of Name for a Condominium Corporation 


Amendment of Articles including a Change of Name for a Not-For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Credit Union 


Amendment of Articles without a Change of Name for a Not-For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Credit Union 


Restatement of Articles for a Not-For-Profit Corporation or Co-operative 


Amendment of Bylaws for a Not-For-Profit Co-operative or Condominium Corporation (including amendment of sectors) 


Amendment of a Standard Unit Description for a Condominium Corporation 


Change Nature of Activity 


Request for Approval (including Exemption Orders) 


Revival of a Not-For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Credit Union 


Restoral of a Not-For-Profit Corporation, Co-operative or Credit Union 



Closure Services (Ending your Business) 


Notice of Intent to Dissolve Entity 


Revocation of Intent to Dissolve Entity 


Dissolution of Entity 


Termination of a Condominium Corporation 


Strike Off of Extra-Provincial Entity upon ceasing to carry on business 


Authorization to Discontinue from Saskatchewan for a Not-For-Profit Corporation or Co-operative 



Priority Service 

For any individual service or related set of services listed above, to be processed, where possible, within one business day from receipt 

$500.00 plus applicable fees 


Search Services 

Registry Search 


Profile Report 


Certificate of Status 


Document order 

$12.00 per document 

Electronic Certification of a Document* 

$5.00 per document 

Manual Certification of Documents* 

$40.00 per document 

Company Name and Trade-mark NUANS® Search 


*Fees for electronic or manual certification of documents are in addition to the applicable document fee(s). 


Priority Service 

Document Order Priority Service, to be processed, where possible, within one business day from receipt 

$75.00 per order 



Bulk Information Service 

Report containing names of entities by location, type of activity or both 

$200 minimum, contact Customer Support Team to request an estimate 





Personal Property Registry 

Registration Services 


Financing Statement 

1 to 25 years 


Personal Property Security Agreement, The Sale of Goods Act, Commercial Lien or other interests* 

Business to Business 

$12.00 per year 



$12.00 per year 


Paper (Staff Assistance fee applies) 

$12.00 per year 


Financing Change Statement for a Renewal 

1 to 25 years 


Personal Property Security Agreement, The Sale of Goods Act, Commercial Lien or other interests* 

Business to Business 

$12.00 per year 



$12.00 per year 


Paper (Staff Assistance fee applies) 

$12.00 per year 


Financing Change Statement for an Amendment 


Personal Property Security Agreement, The Sale of Goods Act, Commercial Lien or other interests* 


$12.00 per block 

Paper (Staff Assistance fee applies) 

$12.00 per block 

Financing Change Statement for a Discharge 


Complete Discharge 

Business to Business 








Compulsory Discharge; Court Order 

$20.00 plus output fee 

Other Registrations Services 


Global Changes 

$10.00 per block plus a $2.00 base fee per registration 

Staff Assistance Fee 

$10.00 per registration 



*PPSA Crown Interest, Seizure of Criminal Property and Summary Offences Procedure Act 


Registry Search 


Search by Debtor Name, Serial Number or Registration Number 

Business to Business 




Paper (Staff Assistance fee applies) 


Staff Assistance Fee 

$10.00 per search 


Other Search Services 


Registration Identification Number (RIN) 



Staff Assisted 


Secured Party Search (for associating parties or otherwise) 
















Photocopy of any registered document 

$1.00 per page 

Certification of a copy of any registered document 



Judgment Registry 

Registration Services 


Financing Statement 

For Life of Registration 

Enforcement Charges - Provincial, Provincial Maintenance, and Federal Judgments, Federal Writ of Execution 
Enforcement Instructions* 

Business to Business 




Paper (Staff Assistance fee applies) 


Financing Change Statement for a Renewal 

For Life of Registration 

Enforcement Charges - Provincial, Provincial Maintenance, and Federal Judgments, Federal Writ of Execution 
Enforcement Instructions* 

Business to Business 




Paper (Staff Assistance fee applies) 


Financing Change Statement for an Amendment 

For Life of Registration 

Enforcement Charges - Provincial, Provincial Maintenance, and Federal Judgments, Federal Writ of Execution 
Enforcement Instructions* 


$11.00 per block 

Paper (Staff Assistance fee applies) 

$11.00 per block 

Financing Change Statement for a Discharge 


Complete Discharge 

Business to Business 








Compulsory Discharge; Court Order 

$20.00 plus output fee 

Other Registrations Services 


Global Changes 

$10.00 per block plus a $2.00 base fee per registration 

Staff Assistance Fee 

$10.00 per registration 


Judgment Registry Search and Output 





Registration Services 



Titles & Abstracts Valued At 


Title or Abstract Transfer 

$0 to $500 


$500.01 to $6,300 


$6,300.01 and greater 

0.4% of the value of the title or abstract 

Title Transmission 

$0 to $500 


$501 to $8,400 


$8,401 and greater 

0.15% of the value of the title or abstract 

Title or Abstract Surrender 

$0 to $500 


$500.01 to $6,300 


$6,300.01 and greater 

0.2% of the value of the title or abstract, based on the value of the title being set up 

Title or Abstract Set-up 

$0 to $500 


$500.01 to $6,300 


$6,300.01 and greater 

0.2% of the value of the title or abstract, based on the value of the title being set up 

Transfer of Title to Surviving Joint Tenant 

$0 to $500 


$501 and greater 


Condominium First Raise of Title* 

$0 to $500 


$501 to $25,000 


$25,001 and greater 

0.1% of the value of the title or abstract 

Title Consolidation* – where at least one owner remains the same before and after the transaction* 

$0 to $500.00 


$501 to $25,000 


$25,001 and greater 

0.1% of the value of the title or abstract 

Parcel Consolidation* – where at least one owner remains the same before and after the transaction 

$0 to $500 


$501 to $25,000 


$25,001 and greater 

0.1% of the value of the title or abstract 

Parcel Subdivision* – where at least one owner remains the same before and after the transaction 

$0 to $500 


$501 to $25,000 


$25,001 and greater 

0.1% of the value of the title or abstract 

Adding or Removing a Joint Tenant From Title* – where at least one joint tenant remains the same before and after the transaction 

$0 to $500 


$501 to $25,000 


$25,001 and greater 

0.1% of the value of the title or abstract 

Mineral Commodity Set-up 


Condominium Ownership Register Setup 


Alternate Authority Setup Per Title, Interest, or Share Affected 


Alternate Authority Removal per Title, Interest, or Share Affected 


Title or Abstract Print with Registration 

$15.00 per title (Additional charges will apply for output in email, fax, or paper) 

*Reduced rate only applies to constant owner. Additional owners will be charged regular set-up fees. 

Interest Registration Services  



Interests Valued At 


Registration of Mortgage 

The first four titles, interests, or shares affected will be charged in accordance with the following ranges. After the first four titles, each additional title, interest, or share affected will be charged a $55.00 flat fee. 

$0 to $249,999.99 


$250,000 to $500,000 


$500,000.01 to $750,000 


$750,000.01 to $1,000,000 


$1,000,000.01 and greater 


Assignment of Mortgage 

$55.00 per interest register or part of an interest register 

Amendment of Mortgage 

$55.00 per interest register, plus $55.00 for each new title, abstract, interest or share affected 

Registration of Tax Liens, or Public Utility Easements 

$30.00 per title, abstract, interest or share affected 

Registration of Postponements 

$25.00 per title, abstract, interest or share affected 

Assignment of Public Utility Easements 

$30.00 per interest register or part of an interest register 

Amendment of Public Utility Easements 

$30.00 per interest register, plus $25.00 per additional title, abstract, interest, or share affected 

Registration of all Other Interests 

$55.00 per title, abstract, interest, or share affected 

Assignment of all Other Interests 

$55.00 per Interest Register or part of an interest register 

Amendment of all Other Interests 

$55.00 per Interest Register, plus $55.00 per additional title, abstract, interest or share affected 

Mortgage Discharge 

$55.00 per Interest Register or part of an interest register 

Interest Discharge (excluding Mortgage Discharges) 


Interest Expiry 



Mineral Certification Services 



Delivery Time 


Certify all freehold mineral titles in the target parcel. 

Regular – 100 working days or less 


Express – 30 working days or less 


Priority – Immediate attention 
(specific delivery date dependent on complexity) 


Quarter Section ** 
Certify all freehold mineral titles in the target quarter section. 

Regular – 100 working days or less 


Express – 30 working days or less 


Priority – Immediate attention 
(specific delivery date dependent on complexity) 


** Limit of 3 parcels. Fees listed may not apply to high volume requests or subdivided quarter sections with access road. Contact ISC or indicate “Custom” on request form to receive an estimate. 

Parcel Picture on Demand Services 



Delivery Time 


A GIS parcel picture is produced for a target parcel. 

Regular – 30 working days or less 


Express – 10 working days or less 


Priority – Immediate attention 
(specific delivery date dependent on complexity) 


Quarter Section ** 
A GIS parcel picture is produced for all parcels in the target 
quarter section. 

Regular – 30 working days or less 


Express – 10 working days or less 


Priority – Immediate attention 
(specific delivery date dependent on complexity) 


** Limit of 3 parcels. Fees listed may not apply to high volume requests or subdivided quarter sections with access road. Contact ISC or indicate “Custom” on request form to receive an estimate. 

Mineral Certification & Parcel Picture on Demand Service Bundle 



Delivery Time 


Quarter Section ** 
All freehold mineral titles in the target quarter section are certified and a GIS parcel picture is produced. 

Regular – 30 working days or less 


Express – 10 working days or less 


Priority – Immediate attention 
(specific delivery date dependent on complexity) 


** Limit of 3 parcels. Fees listed may not apply to high volume requests or subdivided quarter sections with access road. Contact ISC or indicate “Custom” on request form to receive an estimate. 



Title Detail 

$15.00 * 

Abstract Detail 

$15.00 * 

Standard Results List 


Parcel Detail 


Interest Register Detail 


Parcel Picture 

Free * 

Attachment Detail 


Title History Detail 1 


Parcel History Detail 2 


Title Audit Detail 


Interest Audit Detail 


Interest Register Audit Detail 


Parcel Audit Detail 


Lock Audit Detail 


Lock Detail 


Image of Pre-Conversion Title or Instrument 3 

Free * 

Image of Interest Register Attachment 

$7.00 * 

Image of Application 


Image of Application Attachment 


Image of Lock Attachment 


Image of Original Grant 

$7.00 * 

Packet Detail 


Client Detail 


Grant Detail 


Grant Results List 


Judgment Search 

$11.00 * 

Judgment Results List 


Surcharge for staff assisted searches at Customer Service Centres 


Minimum Charge for staff assisted searches at Customer Service Centres 


* Additional charges for output may apply. 
1 Formerly Post-Conversion Historical Title Information 
2 Formerly Post-Conversion Historical Parcel Information 
3 Formerly Image of Cancelled Titles and Instruments not previously imaged 



Paper, Email, Fax or Online Submission 







Fax / Email 

$5.00 per output 
