Viewing Notifications

If you are a Financial Institution that has stored a document in the Document Storage Library (DSL), you will have access to view notifications related to any documents you have submitted and stored. These can be viewed in your DSL Notifications Tab.

After you have submitted a document to be stored in the Document Storage Library, a notification will appear in your DSL Notifications with the subject, “A DSL item is pending approval”. The document will be reviewed by ISC staff and you will be provided with another notification within two (2) business days of whether it has been accepted or rejected. If your document has been accepted, you will receive a notification of the approval, along with the document’s DSL number. If your document has been rejected, you will receive a notification of the rejection, along with the reason(s) for the rejection.

If you would like to delete a notification, click on the notification to highlight it, and then click on the Delete button. A pop-up will appear asking you, “Delete this message?” Click on the OK button to delete the notification, or the Cancel button to avoid deleting it.