New Upload

Uploading a document means that you are transferring a file from your computer to your application or packet within OLS.


  1. Click the "New Upload" button. The sytem opens a new window that allows you to navigate to the necessary file.
  2. Either type in the path of the file you wish to upload, or click the "Browse" button to navigate to the file location. Clicking the browse button opens a new window.  Use this window to find the file you wish to upload.
  3. Once you have located the appropriate file, click the "Open" button. The system adds the file to "Uploaded Document" list.
  4. Once all necessary files are in the "Uploaded Document" list, click the "Done" button. The sytem closes this window and the files now show in the "Uploaded Document" list on the "Manage Authorizations & Attachments" section of your application or packet.
  5. Indicate if this document is going to be linked to the application as an authorization or attachment by clicking in the appropriate checkbox in the "Attached to Application As" column.

If you must upload multiple documents, simply repeat steps 2 & 3.


  • Once a document is listed in the "Uploaded Documents" list, it can be added to the "My OLS Docs" area for future re-use.  To do this, simply click the checkbox beside the appropriate file and click the "Add to My OLS Docs" button.  Upon successful addition to the "My OLS Docs" list, the screen will refresh and an informational message will inform you of this.
  • You can view the uploaded document by selecting the document from the list and clicking the "View Doc" button. The system opens the document in a new window using the appropriate application.
  • You can rename an uploaded document by selecting the document from the list and clicking the "Rename" button. The system opens a new window which lists the current document name and a field in which you can enter the new document name.  Enter the new name in the "New Doucment Name" field and click "OK".