Identifying Conditions of Registration

Upon transfer of a title, there are three options you may choose between to identify the type of conditions for a particular transaction.  At least one of the three options must be selected prior to submitting the transaction.

The following are the three choices when identifying conditions of registration:

  • No Conditions. Check this box if you will accept registration of this transfer subject to any interests registered against the title or existing in the Saskatchewan Judgment Registry at the time that this application is processed.

  • Free and Clear Registration. Check this box if you will accept transfer only if there are no interests on the title at the time this application is processed.

  • Conditional Registration Date and Time. Check this box if you will accept registration subject to interests registered on the title or existing in the Judgment Registry at a particular date and time.  Enter the date as dd-mmm-yyyy and the time as hh:mm:ss.  For example, if you searched a title on October 15, 2003, at 2:30:03 p.m. and chose this date and time, you would enter 15-Oct-2003 and 14:30:03. 

Please note that if the last two types of registration conditions cannot be met, then your transfer cannot be processed and will be rejected