How to Add Residential Units to the Condo Units Grid

Learn how to add residential units to the condo units grid. If your packet contains more than 100 applications, please contact 1-866-275-4721 before submitting through Online Submission.

Step 1: Enter Information for First Unit

Enter the Unit No., Unit Factor, and Unit Value for one residential unit at a time.

The total for all residential units and, if applicable, parking units must be equal to 10,000 or an error message will be generated upon validation.

Step 2: Add First Unit

Click the Add button. The unit will be added to the Condo Units grid and will have a Status of Added.

Step 3: Add Additional Units

Continue to add units to the grid by changing any of the information necessary in the above identified fields. If any of the information is the same as the previous unit added, those fields do not need to be changed.

Click the Add button. The next unit will be added to the grid.

Continue to enter all the information for each residential unit.

If you add a unit that already exists in the grid you will receive an error message telling the user that the unit added is a duplicate. This message will be located above the Condo Units grid.