How to Edit Unit Setups

Once each of the unit setups are identified by their unit number, the user can click on any unit setup from the dropdown menu and edit information for that particular unit. The unit selected will display in the Select New Parcel field. From there the user can edit fields such as the New Title Value field. The Save button must be selected after the edit(s) are made to each unit setup.

Step 1: Select Unit Setup to Edit

Click on the unit setup you wish to edit.

The unit selected displays in the Select New Parcel field.

The title setup for that unit will display but with a condominium the only way the user will know which unit setup is displaying is by looking at the Select New Parcel field.

The parcel is the same for each unit and so in the Setup Creation section, of the application, the Setup Currently Displayed dropdown will show the same new parcel number when viewing each unit setup.

Step 2: Edit the Setup

Edit the required fields. The example shown is changing the value from $250,000 to $375,000.

Click the Save button, at the bottom of the screen, to save the edits made to that unit setup.

Select another unit setup that requires an edit and follow the steps outlined.

Continue editing until all unit setups have the correct information.

Save after each application has been edited.

Step 3: Manage Authorizations and Attachments

Continue to the Managing Authorizations and Attachments section.