How to Save and Validate Your Work

It is a good idea to save your work throughout the packet-building process. However, the application or packet should only be validated once you are satisfied that all the required elements are completed and correct. If the application is validated prior to completion, the OLS system will notify you that there are errors in the application. If your packet contains more than 100 applications, please contact 1-866-275-4721 before submitting through Online Submission.

Step 1: Validate Your Packet

Click the Validate button once you believe the application/packet is complete. The surrender, the condo setup and each of unit the setups can be validated together, as they are one transaction.

If the condominium transform is the only transaction in the packet, and the packet contains 16 applications or less, the system will validate the packet when you click the validate button at the bottom of the application screen.

If the packet contains more than 16 applications, the system will automatically take the packet offline to validate. You will not be able to open the packet until the validation is complete. The validation process usually only takes a few minutes, depending upon the size of the packet.

Step 2: If No Errors Are Found

If the business rules are met and the system does not locate any errors, a pop-up window will display, telling you that no errors or warnings were encountered. Click the OK button. You can continue to complete the application.

Step 3: If Errors Are Found

If errors are found, a pop-up will display, telling you that errors or warnings were found. Click OK to see the errors in your application. Red error messages will display in the Validation Errors section of the application.

It is best to correct one error at a time and revalidate after correcting each error. If you try to fix multiple errors at the same time, and still have errors even after revalidating, it can be confusing to determine which error was corrected properly and which one was not.

The goal is to receive the message that there are no error messages in the application. If you submit a packet with validation errors, it will be rejected upon submission.

The application may still be rejected even if there are no system errors in it. This is because the title processors still need to review documents, such as authorizations, for completeness.

Warning messages display in orange. They may or may not impede the registration of the packet. Investigate any warning message you receive to determine if it will have an impact on the registration of your packet.

In this example, the warning is indicating that one of the source parcels is tied. If all the parcels that are tied to that source parcel are not source parcels of this transform, the packet will be rejected.