User Manuals

Common Elements - This manual will provide you with a basic understanding of Online Submission (OLS) and provide specific information on elements common to all areas of OLS. This manual now includes (as of May 12) information on managing authorizations and attachments.

Packet Management - This manual will provide you with information to manage packets including the ability to edit, delete, view, copy, correct, print, submit, and search for packets in Online Submission.

Title Transfer - This manual will provide you with information to complete a transfer of title from one owner to another.

Surviving Joint Tenant - This manual will provide you with information to complete a transfer to surviving joint tenant.

Transmission - This manual will provide you with information to complete a transmission on death or bankruptcy.

Alternate Authority - This manual will provide you with information to add or remove an alternate authority using Online Submission.

Interest Registration - This manual will provide you with information to register interests using Online Submission.

Interest Discharge - This manual will provide you with information to discharge interests using Online Submission.

Interest Amendment - This manual will provide you with information to amend interests using Online Submission.

Interest Assignment - This manual will provide you with information to assign interests using Online Submission.

Judgments - This manual will provide you with information to register judgments using Online Submission.

Transforms - This manual will provide you with information to complete a variety of Transforms.