Inactive Corporation Interest Discharge


An inactive corporation has an interest registered in its name, but it is no longer actively registered with the Corporate Registry.

NOTE: An inactive corporation is one that has been struck off from the Corporate Registry.


When an inactive corporation wishes to discharge an interest, the inactive corporation must:

  1. Get re-instated at the Corporations Registry;
  2. Obtain a Court Order; or
  3. Provide ISC with an Affidavit sworn by a person who was a director or officer of the corporation immediately prior to dissolution. The Affidavit must:
    • Confirm that the corporation was validly registered at the Corporate Registry at the time the interest was registered;
    • State the affiant’s position (director or officer) within the corporation and that the position was held immediately before coming inactive;
    • Be accompanied by evidence that the corporation was registered at the time that the interest was registered


    • Include an authorization executed by former director or officer

The above only applies to interests and DOES NOT include titles.