Parking Unit Titles & Services Units

Parking Unit Titles

Under section 11 of The Condominium Property Act 1993, there are now different options that apply to parking: titled parking units and exclusive use parking spaces.

Choice between titled parking units or exclusive use parking spaces - Condominium developers will have the ability to designate either parking units (titled) or exclusive use parking spaces on a single condominium plan. 
  1. Exclusive Use Parking Spaces - This process to designate parking spaces has changed. Developers will now designate parking spaces at the time titles are raised as an interest on the residential unit’s title. The process can be done through our OLS online service. See Designation of Parking  for more information.
  2. Titled parking units – This enables the creation and issuance of titles for parking units for new condominium developments. Along with the ability to raise title to a parking unit, there will also be a new system feature that will allow “links” to be created between residential units and their corresponding parking units. There must be a one to one relationship between condo unit and parking unit, the condo unit owner must also own the linked parking unit. If the parking unit is linked to a residential unit, the ownership must be the same.
    • IE: Condo units will be linked to only one titled parking unit but may have title to more than one parking unit in the system. If the condo owner chooses to own a second titled parking unit, it will not be linked to the condo; it will have its own stand alone title. Once created and issued, the condo title and parking unit title are linked.
  3. Conversion of Designated Parking Spaces to Titles Parking Units – ISC now offers the option of converting parking spaces into parking units. This may be done by filing a replacement plan, or, in some cases, by plan amendment. All designated parking spaces in a development must be converted, and all owners must consent. For further details regarding the process of issuing titles, please consult our Regular Condominiums  and Phased Development sections.  For additional information regarding the conversion process, please contact our Customer Support Team.

If a condo and its titled parking unit’s ownership are being changed, both of the titles will have to be surrendered or else the packet will be rejected.

Services Units

Condominium developers now have the ability to title common property as a unit(s),  The resulting units will be called “services units”. They will include areas such as laundry rooms, recreational facilities, landscaping areas, roadways, hallways or other areas intended for the benefit and use of all owners. 

Note that The Condominium Property Act, 1993 sets out that services units must be owned by a condominium corporation.