Map Layer Descriptions

There are 30 layers in Map Search available at various scales.  Check out this reference table for a complete listing of all layers including a detailed description of each.

Layer Layer Description
Roads Road boundaries are determined in two ways: 1) by registered plan of survey, and 2) by the road allowance parcels that form part of the original township-based subdivision of the land.
Railway A portion of land established by a secondary plan of survey for the purposes of defining a right of way for a railway.  Railways described by metes and bounds will appear on the Surface layer.
Street Names The name of the streets and avenues as contained in registered plans of survey.
Surface Parcel # The Parcel numbers associated with all parcels on the Surface layer.
Surface This theme shows the ownership parcels related to the ownership of the surface rights in the province broken down into Titled, Abstract and No Parcel Info. Areas where the surface ownership has not yet been connected to the cadastral data set will show as No Parcel Info.
Mineral Parcel # The Parcel numbers associated with all parcels on the Mineral layer.
Mineral This theme shows the ownership parcels related to the ownership of the mineral rights in the province broken down into Titled, Abstract and No Parcel Info. Areas where the mineral ownership has not yet been connected to the cadastral data set will show as No Parcel Info.
Feature The extent of third party interests in land established by a plan of survey. The majority of Features are for pipelines but this theme also includes utility easements and any other surveyed limits to third party interests.
Lot Surveyed subdivision of a Block. Lots may not be further subdivided.
Block/Parcel The first level of subdivision of a survey plan. Blocks are further subdivided into Lots. When identifying Block information, we recommend using the 'Block/Parcel' layer.
Plan Outline The extent and number of the registered plan of survey.
Indian Reserve Areas of land reserved for first nations use.
River Lot The remaining extent of the river lots taking into account any subsequent subdivisions by means of secondary plans. The original extent of the river lots.  River lots reflect occupation of the land prior to the survey of the townships.
Township The first level of subdivision of the land under the Dominion Land Survey System. A township is nominally a 6 mile by 6 mile square area. Townships are further subdivided inito sections and road allowances.
Section Contains section lines and section numbers for all Sections in the province. The remaining portion of a section within a township after accounting for portions removed by subsequent secondary surveys. There are 36 sections in a typical township. Sections are further subdivided into 4 Quarter Sections or 16 Legal Subdivisions.
Quarter Section Contains quarter section lines and quarter section numbers for all Quarter Sections in the province. The remaining portion of a quarter section after accounting for portions removed by subsequent plans of survey. A quarter section is a unit of land equal to one quarter of a section as defined by the Dominion Land Survey System.
Parks A park is an area of land that has restrictions on its use and ownership. The areas and restrictions are defined in the following Acts, Regulations, and amendments to these Acts: The Parks Act, the Regional Parks Act, The Meewasin Valley Authority Act, The Wakamow Valley Authority Act, and The Wascana Centre Act.
Provincial Boundary The limits of the province of Saskatchewan.
Rivers Not a legal survey representation of rivers. All water boundaries are from the ISC General Purpose map and are intended to be used to assist users in orienting within the map.

Lakes Not a legal survey representation of lakes. All water boundaries are from the ISC General Purpose map and are intended to be used to assist users in orienting within the map.

Cities The cities of Saskatchewan.
NTS Sheet Northern theoretic areas that have been intersected by the National Topographical System sheets. Each NTS map sheet is identified with a plan number which is the representation of the National Topographical System sheet.
Towns The limits of the towns in Saskatchewan.
Rural Municipality The limits of the rural municipalities. There are 297 rural municipalities in Saskatchewan.
NTS Sheet text The plan number identifier of the National Topographical System sheets.
Urban Municipality The limits of the urban municipalities. Urban municipalities include all cities, towns, villages, resort villages, northern towns/villages/hamlets and settlements in Saskatchewan.
Pending Plan A plan approved for survey content and entered into GIS on the pending layer, but which titles have not been issued.
Tied Parcels Links between portions of land that appeared on the same title in the old paper-based system but have been separated and distinguished by extension numbers in the LAND System. Tied Parcels indicate that the portions of land are linked to one another and cannot be transferred without the other parcel unless a subdivision is approved.
Legal Subdivision A theoretic area by calculation into ¼’s of each quarter section.
 Corner LLD  A search by Corner LLD is used to search for plans related to a specific corner of a quarter section.
 Parcel Dimension Dimensions shown for a parcel along line segments representing a polygon.