Request a Copy of Title/Abstract Details

You can request that a copy of the Current Title Details or Current Abstract Details screen be sent to you by postal service (paper or CD ROM), email, and/or fax.  More than one method of delivery can be selected; however, the number of copies sent to you will be equal to the number of delivery methods that you select.  For example, if you select both email and fax, two copies will be sent out: one by email, the other by fax.  Only paper copies sent by mail will allow multiple copies.
You must be in the Current Title Details or Current Abstract Details screen to request a copy.

  1.  Select the Request Output icon from the Current Title Details or Current Abstract Details screen.
    • An Item Requested For Delivery window will display:


NOTE: Multiple copies are only available when requesting paper copies delivered by mail.  Email, fax and CD-ROM requests will only contain one copy.

    2. Select the checkbox below the desired delivery method(s).
NOTE: A separate fee is associated with each delivery method.  Select the Fee icon  for fee information.

     3. Key in the required information for each delivery method selected.
     4. Select SUBMIT. A confirmation screen will display.


  • If you wish to have more than one copy of a Current Title Details or Current Abstract Details screen sent out using the same method of delivery (e.g. you wish to have a copy sent to five different recipients, all by postal service), you will need to close the output request confirmation window and re-enter the Item Requested For Delivery window (by selecting the Request Output icon ) for each recipient.
  • Any search result is accurate as of the date and time that you generated your search (i.e., as set out in the As Of Date).
  • Only copies requested by the mailing address delivery method will be printed on security paper.  Normally, these searches will be mailed by ISC no later than the following business day.