A search in the Saskatchewan Personal Property Registry (SPPR) only details Saskatchewan information.
Do not use the Back button in your browser window. Please use the commands within the application.
There is no wildcard option available in an SPPR search. If you are searching by debtor name, you must enter the person's full name in order to receive results.
We recommend that you search by both debtor name and serial number (if applicable), to ensure your search results capture all the information you are looking for.
Serial Number Search:
- Only alphanumeric characters are allowed in a serial number. The serial number cannot contain special characters such as #, / or -. Entering these characters will prompt the system to show you an error message.
- The letters I, O and Q are not normally utilized within a serial number.
- In search step 3 of 4, you will be presented with exact (character for character) matches, followed by similar matches. Similarity is determined using the last six numeric characters. The serial type code (motor vehicle, trailer, boat/motors, or mobile home) will not affect your search result.
- PPR recommends completing a debtor name search on serial property items that do not fall within the definition of "serial property goods" as laid out in Section 2(1) within The Personal Property Regulations.
- Similar matches must be selected on search step 3 of 4 to be included in your detailed search report.
Person Debtor Name Search:
- In search step 3 of 4, you will be presented with exact (character for character) matches followed by similar matches. Similarity are those that are phonetically related to the last name, and the first character of the first name, that you enter. Because the system takes the first letter of a person's first name into account when determining matches, a search for "Elizabeth Smith" will not return a similar match for "Beth Smith". Based on this principle, be aware of variations like Robert aka Bob; William aka Bill would be a separate search.
- The Personal Property Registry does not have a wild card searching feature. If you enter a last name only, the system will look for registrations that are registered with the last name only. This type of search could fail to include active registrations that might be relevant to you.
- The Personal Property Regulations specifies how a debtor name should be searched and/or recorded in a registration.
- Similar matches must be selected on search step 3 of 4 to be included in your detailed search report.
Business Debtor Name Search:
- In search step 3 of 4, you will be presented with exact (character for character) matches followed by similar matches. Similar names are those that are phonetically related to the business name you enter.
- The Personal Property Registry does not have a wild card searching feature. Only entering part of a business name can limit your results failing to include active registrations that might be relevant to you.
- The Personal Property Regulations specifies how a debtor name should be searched and/or recorded in a registration.
- If you are searching a business name that utilizes "operating as" or "trading as," we recommend that you search each business name also.
- Similar matches must be selected on search step 3 of 4 to be included in your detailed search report.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are searching for damage claims history related to a motor vehicle, use
SGI's Vehicle Identification Number search.
Use the
Canadian Police Information (CPI) Centre national search to search all Canadian jurisdictions and determine if the vehicle has been reported stolen.