Customer Testimonials

When we started using Online Submission in our offices, the support we received from ISC to train our staff was excellent. I really like using Online Submission and am glad I took the time to learn it.  -  Roberta Johnston, Legal Assistant, MacPherson Leslie & Tyerman LLP, Regina

I've found the ISC OLS system extremely easy and efficient to use. There are a lot fewer steps involved, the validation process reduces the amount of rejects and the turnaround time for packets is amazing. The system is totally user friendly and the on-line manuals and tutorials allow users to train themselves as they have time. - Heather Audette, City of Melfort

Using Online Submission has reduced the time it takes to register our mortgages and discharges, and has completely eliminated those rejections for page/application counts. The packet management tool has also been a definite asset. – Pamela Fiesel, Manager of Operations, Saskatchewan Agency, First Canadian Title

One of the ways my office survived the increased volumes experienced in 2007 was through the use of Online Submission.  -  Bernard Duchin, Partner, Duchin Bayda & Kroczynski, Regina

I enjoy doing all my ISC submissions on-line and the new expanded services are great. Carrolynn Pernitsky, Kirkham Miller Law

I have used OLS since inception and I find it quite easy to use. I was very happy to see that we can now do all transactions in OLS – it definitely is the fastest way to get things done. – Carol Miller, Anderson Law Firm Prof. Corp.

Our office has found this new feature a useful one and very user friendly. – Gayle Thompson, Duchin, Bayda & Kroczynski

Everyone at my office loves the new enhancements to OLS!  Everything is so easy to understand and easy to use.  It is great to be able to process all our packet types through OLS as it means less training and more consistency for our staff.  Great enhancement all around! – Pamela Fiesel, Manager of Operations, Saskatchewan Agency, First Canadian Title