Business Corporations Act Forms

New Forms, Effective March 12, 2023
New legislation took force on March 12, 2023. The Saskatchewan Corporate Registry implemented changes in support of the new legislation, including updates to all Corporate Registry paper forms to a more user-friendly layout and fillable PDF format. 

Old versions of forms will not be accepted, effective March 10, 2023. 
An easy way to confirm you have a new form is to look for the square ISC logo in the top left corner of the form.

More information about the legislative changes.

Incorporate your Business

Saskatchewan Business Corporation
Only numbered companies can be incorporated without a Name Reservation. If you're intending to incorporate a business as a named company, a Name Reservation number is required.

Name Reservation (Incorporation)

Extra-Provincial Business Corporation
Review the Extra-Provincial Registration in the 'Register a Business or Incorporate' section

Name Reservation (Extra-provincial Registration)
Registration (Extra-provincial)

If you are having difficulties choosing a Nature of Business please review our NAICS code list.

Amalgamate your Business Corporations

Saskatchewan Business Corporation Amalgamation
Name Reservation (Amalgamation)
Amalgamation - Long Form
Amalgamation - Vertical Short Form
Amalgamation - Horizontal Short Form

Extra-Provincial Business Corporation Amalgamation
If there are no Saskatchewan resident directors on your amalgamation, you are required to attach a Power of Attorney form.
Name Reservation (Extra-provincial Amalgamation)
Amalgamation (Extra-provincial)  

If you are having difficulties choosing a Nature of Business please review our NAICS code list.

Maintain or Change your Corporate Information

Saskatchewan Business Corporation
Name Reservation (Name Change)
Name Reservation (Reorganization)
Change Nature of Business
Change of Directors/Officers
Resignation of Director
Change of Registered Office Addresses
Notice Filing
Unanimous Shareholder Agreement
Power of Attorney

Saskatchewan Business Corporation (Continuance)
Authorization to Continue in another Jurisdiction
Name Reservation (Jurisdictional Continuance)
Name Reservation (Act Continuance)
Continuance into Saskatchewan (Jurisdictional)
Continuance (Act)

Extra-Provincial Business Corporation
Name Reservation (Extra-provincial name Change)
Amendment (Extra-provincial)
Maintain Registration (Extra-provincial)
Change of Directors/Officers (Extra-provincial)
Change/Cancel Alternate Name (Extra-provincial)

End or Restart your Corporation

Saskatchewan Business Corporation
Name Reservation (Restoral)
Name Reservation (Revival)
Statement of Intent to Dissolve or Revocation of Intent to Dissolve

Extra-Provincial Business Corporation
Request for Strike Off (Extra-provincial)
Name Reservation (Extra-provincial Restoral)
Restoral (Extra-provincial)

Need More Help?

The Business Corporations Act, 2021