Document Storage Library (DSL) centrally stores standard documents that are commonly used in the registration of interests with the Land Registry.
How does it work?
When Financial Institutions such as banks or credit unions centrally file their standard term mortgage or lease documents in the Document Storage Library, this allows individuals registering or amending interests to be able to simply reference a document’s unique DSL number in their application instead of being required to attach the full document each time. This saves time and makes the registration process more efficient.
Getting started
Click on the following links to learn how to get started using the Document Storage Library:
Launching the Document Storage Library - Learn how to sign in to the ISC website and launch the Document Storage Library.
Searching for a Document - Learn how to search for documents stored in the Document Storage Library.
Registering or Amending an Interest - If you are registering or amending an interest with the Land Registry, learn how the Document Storage Library can make the registration process faster and easier for you.
Storing a Document - If you are a Financial Institution such as bank or credit union, learn how to centrally store your standard term mortgage and lease documents in the Document Storage Library.