Storing a Document in the DSL

Financial Institutions such as banks and credit unions can use ISC's Document Storage Library (DSL) to centrally store documents such as standard terms and conditions for mortgages and leases. Once a document has been accepted by ISC, it will be assigned a unique DSL number that Land Registry customers can use to simply reference that particular document on their interest registration and interest amendment applications instead of being required to attach the full document each time.

Click on the following links for more information on how to store a document in the Document Storage Library:

Submitting a Document - Learn how Financial Institutions can submit a document to be stored in the Document Storage Library.

Viewing Notifications - Learn how to view notifications related to your documents in the Document Storage Library.

FAQs for Financial Institutions - Read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Financial Institutions storing and managing documents in the Document Storage Library.