Create a New Parcel Tie Code

All tied parcels must be in the “same ownership”.  The client numbers, names, addresses and ownership type must be identical.  If they are not, a request for amalgamation must be submitted prior to the letter requesting the changes to the parcel ties.

Forms and instruction sheets for client number amalgamations are available by clicking the Forms tab followed by Manage Your ISC Accounts under the Managing Your ISC Account menu.  There is no cost associated with this process which can usually be completed within a few days.

Step 1: Obtain Letters of Consent

You must obtain a letter of consent from the local municipality or local planning authority. Also, you must obtain a letter of consent from the owner(s) with a statement indicating that the owner(s) are aware that a Certificate of Approval from the Planning Authority is required to remove the parcel ties in the future.

Step 2: Submit Request to ISC

Once you receive all letters of consent, you must submit a letter to ISC requesting the creation of the parcel ties along with the letters of consent by mail, fax or email to:

GIS Data
Information Services Corporation
1301 – 1st Avenue
Regina, Saskatchewan, S4R 8H2
Fax: (306) 206-0569

Email: [email protected]

NOTE: If sending by fax, please include this note on the fax cover page: ATTN: GIS Data (Parcel Tie Request)

A processing fee must be included with the letter and planning approval. Each planning approval will be charged separately. Please see fee schedule for pricing information. (Listed as Manage Tie Codes)

If payment is submitted by cheque please make cheque payable to Information Services Corporation.

If submitting by email or fax, please include your ISC Account number and password so billing can be processed.  Passwords are removed from documentation once processing is complete.

Payment can also be made in advance at your local ISC Customer Service Centre.

Step 3: Wait for a Letter of Confirmation

Provided all other prerequisites have been met, ISC will create valid parcel groups to tie all the parcels together as requested in the letter. The end result of these ties will be two or more parcels tied together.

The title print will indicate “Under The Planning and Development Act, 2007, the title for this parcel and parcels (numbers) may not be transferred or, in certain circumstances, mortgaged or leased separately without the approval of the appropriate planning authority”.

GIS Data will arrange for the letters of consent and the letter requesting the parcel ties to be attached to the Plan affected as a supporting document.

A letter of confirmation will be sent to the client indicating that the process has been completed.