Packet Management

Add Transaction to Packet - This section will assist you with adding a transaction to a previously started packet.

Packet Status - This section will assist users in identifying the status of a particular packet.

Searching for Packet - This section will assist users in finding packets they have created using the Online Submission Tool.

Sorting Packet List - This section will assist you with using the column headings within the "View Packet List" screen of the OLS tool to sort your list as you see fit.

Viewing Packet Contents - This section will assist you with using the "View Packet Content" screen of the OLS tool.

Deleting Packets - This section will assist users in deleting a packet from the "View Packet List".

Creating a Packet - This section will assist you with preparing a packet.

Correct a Packet - This section will assist users in correcting a packet that has been rejected.

Copy a Packet - This section will assist users in copying a packet for re-use.