Support Manuals

The below user manuals were created in an effort to make your user experience with the Corporate Registry as efficient as possible. If you have any suggestions or comments on the manuals, please complete the 'Was this page helpful?' question at the bottom of the page.

Account Registration/Login and Administration

Account Registration/Login
The account registration guide provides instruction on registering for a Corporate Registry application account and logging in.

Administrators Guide
The administrators provides an overview on how to perform account and user management functions within the Corporate Registry application.

Access Code Guide
An access code is a password that prevents unauthorized changes to your entity. It is required to make changes to your entity. You can set your own access code or request one by using the correspondence feature within the Corporate Registry application.

Document Orders

Document Order/Profile Report
This manual provides instructions on how to request a document or profile report.

Annual Returns

Non-profit Corporation: Filing an Annual Return and Financial Statement
This manual provides instructions on how to use your access code and file and annual return and financial statement.

Business Corporations: Filing an Annual Return
This manual provides instruction on how to use your access code and file an annual return.

Incorporation, Restoral, and Dissolution

The following guides provide an overview of the steps to get started on various filings on corporate entity types in the Corporate Registry.  These guides use a Business Corporation as an example.

Incorporate a Numbered Company
This manual provides instructions on how to incorporate a numbered company.

Extra-Provincial Registration with Name Reservation
This manual provides instructions on how to file an extra-provincial registration with a name search.

Restoral with Name Reservation 
This manual provides instructions on how to restore a business to the registry by filing a restoral with a name search.

This manual provides instructions on how to file a dissolution.

Business Names

The following guides provide an overview of how to register or cancel a business name (such as a sole proprietorship or partnership) in the Corporate Registry.

Business Name Registration
This manual provides instructions on how to register a business name.

Business Name Cancellation
This manual provides instructions on how to cancel a business name.