Maps & Photos Fees

Effective July 31, 2017 

General Purpose Map
Hydrographic Chart
Depth Maps
General Wall Maps
Topographic Maps
Saskatchewan Rural Municipality Boundary Map
SGIC Ortho Imagery
SPOT Satellite Imagery
Surface Cadastral
Mineral Cadastral
SaskGrid Township Fabric Map
Administrative Boundary Overlays
Saskatchewan Civic Address Registry Dataset (CAR)
Custom Mapping and GIS Services
Large Format Scanning and Plotting
Shipping & Handling

Products  Detail Fee
General Purpose Map - view product page
Adobe PDF $37.00
Hardcopy $33.00
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Hydrographic Chart - view product page
Lake Athabasca 1:250,000 $21.00
Lac La Ronge 1:75,000 $21.00
Poplar Point to Stony Rapids 1:50,000 $21.00
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Depth Mapsview product page
Last Mountain Lake 1:75,000 $13.00
Fishing Lakes 1:35,000 $13.00
Lake Diefenbaker 1:62,500 $13.00
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General Wall Maps - view product page
Canada $20.00 to $40.00
Prince Albert National Park $18.00
Yukon Territory $20.00
Northwest Territories and Nunavut $20.00
British Columbia $20.00
Prairie Provinces $20.00
Ontario $20.00
North America $15.00
World $15.00
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Topographic Maps - view product page
Hard Copy (per map sheet) 1:50,000 $14.00
Index Map Hard Copy $33.00
Customization fee for file format and datum conversion $125.00 per hour
Hard Copy (per map sheet) 1:250000 $14.00
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Saskatchewan Rural Municipality Boundary Map - view product page
Digital Print (updated yearly) 1:1,000,000 $33.00
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SGIC Ortho Imagery - view product page
Digital Tiff Township or Section per Township or Section $52.00
Digital JPG Section per Township or Section $28.00
Digital GeoTIFF Township per Township $105.00
Digital GeoTIFF Section per Section $52.00
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in USGS format per Township or Section $52.00
Hardcopy Township Photomap per Township $21.00
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SPOT Satellite Imagery - view product page 
Pricing varies, please contact the GDC
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Surface Cadastral - view product page
Surface Cadastral Maintenance distribution fee per delivery $50.73
Surface Cadastral Maintenance Customization Charge per hour $105.00
Provincial Maintenance Annual
Rural Cadastral (all Townships) $26,377.73
Urban Cadastral (all urbans) $26,377.73
Full Provincial Cadastral
(all Townships and all urbans)
*Surface Cadastral without maintenance (one time purchase) is also available for a 50% discount on the price above. This does not include any maintenance.
Rural Maintenance (Annual)
Per Township $45.65
Saskatchewan Cadastral Dataset - Urban Maintenance (Annual)
 Village (ex. Glen Harbour, Val Marie) $25.36
Small (ex. White City, Broadview) $253.63
Medium (ex. Moose Jaw, Yorkton) $1,521.79
Large (ex. Saskatoon, Regina) $3,043.58
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Mineral Cadastral - view product page
Mineral Cadastral Maintenance distribution fee per delivery $50.73
Mineral Cadastral Maintenance Customization Charge per hour $105.00
End User - No Distribution
Provincial Maintenance (Annual)
Full Mineral Cadastral (all 3,456 Townships) subject to minimum two- year signed agreemen $10,145.28
Township Maintenance (Annual) Per Township $15.22
Full Mineral Cadastral (all 3,456 Townships) $10,145.28
One-time cost (No Maintenance)
Full Mineral Cadastral (all 3,456 Townships) $20,290.56
Per Township $35.51
Corporate Database Maintenance - No Distribution
Provincial Maintenance (Annual)
Full Mineral Cadastral (all 3,456 Townships) $20,290.56
Township Maintenance (Annual) Per Township $25.36
One-time cost (No Maintenance)
Full Mineral Cadastral (all 3,456 Townships) $20,290.56
Per Township $35.51
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SaskGrid Township Fabric Map - view product page
Annual Maintenance Cost
Provincial Coverage $202.91
Provincial Coverage (with Administratrative Boundary Overlay) $304.36
Partial Coverage Contact us
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Administrative Boundary Overlays - view product page
Maintenance Cost
Provincial Coverage $162.32
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Saskatchewan Civic Address Registry Dataset (CAR) - view product page
CAR Full Dataset – Onetime Purchase Internal Use $50,000
Commercial Use $75,000
CAR Partial Dataset – Onetime Purchase Internal Use $0.15/point
Commercial Use $0.23/point
CAR Full Dataset – 3 year agreement with Maintenance Internal Use $25,000/year
Commercial Use $37,500/year
CAR Data Distribution Fee Internal Use $100
Commercial Use $100
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Custom Mapping and GIS Services - view product page
Service Price $125.00
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Large Format Scanning and Plotting (per square foot of image area) - view product page
Large  Format Scanning $2.50
Light Bond (20 lb) $2.54
Premium Quality
Medium Bond (24 lb) $3.55
Heavy Bond (38 lb) $4.06
Photo Paper $4.57
Additional Copy Pricing Charged at 50% of the applicable rate
Large Format Plotting (Custom Output)
Light Bond (20 lb)
Premium Quality 
Medium Bond (24 lb) $5.50
Heavy Bond (38 lb)
Photo Paper $10.00
Additional Copy Pricing Charged at 50% of the applicable rate
Large Format Scan & Plot Combo  
Light Bond (20 lb)
Premium Quality 
Medium Bond (24 lb) $6.50
Heavy Bond (38 lb)
Photo Paper $12.00
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Shipping & Handling - view product page
All Mail Deliveries $20.00 (additional $10 for large orders)
Handling Fee (File Preparation for Pick-ups, Inter-office, Courier, Email and Account Administration) size of digital data must be less than 5MB $10.00
FTP Account Setup $26.00
Digital Media per CD/DVD $11.00
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