The Land Titles Registry issues titles to land and registers transactions affecting titles, including changes of ownership and registration of interests against land.
When a parcel of land is bought in Saskatchewan, a title to that parcel is registered with ISC. The title shows where the parcel is located and names the owner(s). The title is the legal guarantee of the owner's interest.
The most common types of land transactions are:
- Title transfers between buyers and sellers, or as a result of bankruptcy, death, expropriation, tax enforcement proceeding or court order
- Mortgage registrations and removals
- Lien registrations and removals
Our comprehensive online database can help you determine the following when researching a parcel of land or during a real estate transaction:
- Who owns the parcel
- What interests are registered on the title, and if there is a mortgage
- Where the parcel is located, what it looks like, and if it is surface or mineral
- If there is an outstanding judgment registered, and how to get it removed
- When the parcel was first granted from the Crown
Use the navigation menu or Search tool located on the left side of this website to access Help information for the Land Titles Registry and other ISC products and services.
Online Submission (OLS) eliminates the need for forms-based packet submissions, allowing users to fully complete Land Registry submissions online.
Quick Search - A simple way to search for currently active land titles. You can search by parcel number, title number, land description and owner name.
Search - An advanced search tool that is capable of searching titles from the past (i.e., inactive titles) and provides access to more 'search by' options.
Map Search - Allows you to graphically zoom to a given area and obtain copies of active plans.
Grant Search - Find an image of an original Land Grant. The oldest land grant in our records dates back to 1884.
Registration Services
Change of Ownership Transactions - A change of ownership occurs when a title is transferred from one person or entity to another and a new title(s) results.
Interest Transactions - An interest is an agreement between a title owner and another party. There are a wide variety of agreements that the online Land Registry system recognizes as interests.
Transforms - Once a plan has been approved, you are in a position to apply for titles to the new parcel(s) created by the plan. This section provides information on how to prepare the packet that is required.
Condominiums - A variety of condominium transactions require applications to the Land Registry. This section offers detailed information to assist you with some of the most common transactions, as well as other key issues.
A packet is a universal unit of work, containing one or more than one request or document. All packets of work submitted to ISC will undergo a series of system checks via to ensure page counts and client information is correct. All packets passing through this system check will be scanned and processed on a first come, first served basis. This section also provides information on withdrawing packets and avoiding packet rejections.
Need Help?
Document Storage Library
Parcel Ties
The Title and How to Read It
The Numbers and How They Are Used
Land Descriptions and Where They Come From
Old World / New World Comparison - This document outlines the major changes in how our services changed when we converted to an online system in 2001-03.
Looking for more advanced help, ISC has collected a number of the Land Registry policies that we use when processing your packet.