-C- Glossary of Terms

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Cadastre, metes and bounds -
An official register of the location, quantity, value, and ownership of real estate, compiled to serve as a basis for multiple purposes. Property boundaries are described by their lengths and directions (bearings).

Cancelled Instruments - Instruments that are no longer active or valid. 

Cancelled Title - A paper title that has been marked with a cancel stamp to be made inactive and removed from the active title files. 

Cartographic map - A hand drawn or printed document describing the spatial distribution of geographical features in terms of a recognizable and agreed symbolism. 

Cascade Priority - A print out that shows the priority scheme of interests on a title showing the different levels of the interests (e.g., against the title or subordinate to another interest). 

Cascading Theme - The ability to link new interests against an infinite number of levels within a title record. [Designed to be restricted to 9 levels for the Title Processing System (TPS)]. 

Caveat - An instrument in the paper based system which protected an interest or charge against lands. Differentiated in the system into two categories: lapsable, indicating the type of caveat that can be attacked by a notice to lapse; or non-lapsable, the type of caveat which cannot be attacked by a notice to lapse. 

Caveator - Individuals or entities who have registered a caveat in the Land Titles System claiming an interest in land. 

Certificate - A document issued by the Land Titles System as proof, particularly of ownership, such as a title, Mineral Certificate or Leasehold Certificate.

Certificate of Action - A certificate issued under The Builders’ Lien Act which prohibits a Builders’ Lien from lapsing. 

Certificate of Title - A document used under the Old Paper-based System as proof of ownership. This paper certificate shows the name of the owner and the land description of the property, as well as the instruments registered against the land. 

Certified copy - A copy of a title, interest or record in the system, signed, sealed and dated by the Registrar or printed on security paper.

Change of Name - A change to the name of a person or entity by way of alteration, substitution, addition or amalgamation.

Chief Surveyor (old) - The managing position in the Chief Surveyor’s Office. A Saskatchewan Land Surveyor who has been appointed as a Chief Surveyor of the Land Titles System to perform such duties in connection with plans and surveys and descriptions of land as may be prescribed by The Land Titles Act and Regulations, The Land Surveys Act and Regulations, or as may be required by the Master of Titles.

Claimant - A person in whose favor a Maintenance Order has issued.

Client - An individual, group or entity authorized to do business with ISC. 

Client Account Management System (CAMS) - The system used for billing purposes that is delivered through Common Services. 

Client Entry Mark Up System (CEMS) - A mail input system designed and adopted for the LAND Project to provide document entry and mark up services from the Common Services Center.

Client Image Management System (CIMS) - An Imaging System designed and adopted for the LAND Project to provide imaging services from the Common Services Center. 

Client Output Management System (COMS) - A mailing system designed and adopted for the LAND Project to provide mail handling, including creation and distribution services and being delivered through Common Services. 

Client Types - The following are the list of Client Types that exist in the Common Entity Database.
1. Client - Someone who sent in a Client Application or was set up using the Client Account Management System (CAMS) Cash Mail (i.e. one time users who submit packets or do a counter search).
2. External User - A client number that is set up or used on the ISC website.
3. COBRA - A client number set up during the Corporations Branch (COBRA) download.
4.  Convenience - A client number set up from the BIG SAVE Process.
5.  Other - Used mainly for the Titles Processing System (TPS) to identify clients set up within the Titles Processing System (TPS), e.g. interest holders, etc.
6. Court Order and Bankrupt - Used mainly within the Titles Processing System (TPS) and Personal Property System (PPR).
7.  Internal User - Identifies someone with security access to the LAND Applications who register on the ISC website. 

Clip - The process of extracting data from a coverage that reside entirely within the boundary of features in another coverage like a ‘cookie cutter.’ 

CNV - A document (eg. CNV Mortgage), registered prior to implementation, that has been converted into an electronic record from the existing paper document following implementation of the LAND System.

Combination Title (old) - A title that contains reference to both surface and minerals.

Commodity/Unit - Refers to Mineral Commodity and Condominium Unit as defined in The Land Titles Act, 2000.

Common Law Easement - A true easement in which there are dominant and servient lands set out, and wherein the dominant tenement gains access to a portion of the servient lands.

Common Property
- In a condominium plan, this term refers to the part of the land or common lands included in the plan that is not included in any unit. 

Completed Date- see Effective Date.

Condominium property Certificate of Acceptance - The requirement for a developer to obtain a certificate of acceptance from the Minister upon proving the developer has obtained the security prescribed by the regulations to the Act; for the purpose of providing a remedy to owners where the developer fails to complete the common property or common facilities as described in the condominium plan.

Condominium/Condo Title (new) - A sub-type of a surface title, issued to units and the common property within a Condominium Transform. 

Condominium/Condo Title (old) - A title issued to units within a condominium plan.

Configuration screen - A window containing a unique set of optional and mandatory parameters that must be specified before a certain Geographic Information System (GIS) function can be executed. 

Conformality - A characteristic of a map projection where small areas are represented in their true shape and angles are preserved. 

Consent - See Provincial Mediation Board Consent.

Consolidation (old)
1.  In the law of real property, it is a general rule that where two estates in land become vested in one person and there is no intervening estate in another person, the lesser estate is merged, extinguished or drowned, by operation of law, in the greater estate.
2.  The cancellation of two or more titles to land and the creation of one new title containing all the land contained in the ones canceled. There is no change of ownership.

Consolidation (new) - The merging of more than one parcel into a single parcel.  

Contiguous - Near, next, or adjacent to. 

Contour - A line connecting points of equal value. Often in reference to a horizontal datum such as mean sea level. 


- The process under which all records contained within the Land Title records are changed to electronic information and images.

1.  An instrument that transfers property from one person to another.
2.  The act of transferring an ownership holder or interest holder’s property from one person to another.

1.  The person or persons executing a conveyance document.
2.  One whose business it is to draw transfers, mortgages, or other legal papers, or to examine titles to real estate. 

Co-ordinate systems - Numeric methods of representing locations on the earth’s surface. Systems to measure horizontal and vertical distances on a planimetric map such as latitude/longitude state plane and Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM). Relating map data to co-ordinate systems ensures accuracy when entering data from different sources.

Corporate Registry - Responsible for the registration and maintenance of information that has to do with Companies or Corporate Entities authorized to do business in Saskatchewan.

Corporation - A legal entity registered with the Corporate Registry or given corporate status by legislation. 

1.  A map region or area of user-specified width drawn around one or more map features.
2.  A portion or area of a parcel, lesser than the whole parcel, a graphical representation of an area used for public utilities or pipelines.

Coverage - A digital analog of a single map sheet having one theme such as roads, soils, streams, vegetation, elevation, etc.

Creditor - The person or entity to whom a debt is owed.
Crown - In Canada, refers to Her Majesty the Queen (Canada) or the federal government. In Saskatchewan, refers to Her Majesty the Queen (Saskatchewan) or the provincial government. 

Current Title
- The active record created showing ownership and interests in relation to a specific parcel. 

Curvilinear - Consisting of or enclosed by a curved line or lines. 

Custodial Request - A document or set of documents submitted for imaging to Common Services. 

Customer Reference Number - A number that customers may provide on packet cover pages or when conducting searches.  The sole purpose is record keeping convenience for the customer.