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WE - Under "TYPE" in the Judgment Registry results screen, WE refers to a writ of execution. When
The Enforcement of Money Judgments Act came into effect, writs of execution were replaced with provincial judgments.
Wildcards - Symbols (% and _ ) used in advanced searching procedures.
Writ of execution - A type of judgment issued after the determination of an issue, the object of which is to enforce the decision of the court. It authorized the sheriff to levy on property belonging to the debtor for the benefit of the plaintiff in whose favor the judgment has been granted. Under
The Enforcement of Money Judgments Act, a writ of execution is considered to be an enforcement charge.
Writ Registry - The former Saskatchewan Writ Registry, established pursuant to Part XVIII of
The Land Titles Act, 2000. The writ registry was replaced by the Judgment Registry on May 28, 2012.